
Transformers are powerful tools that allow you to automate repetitive workflows during your email development.

Transformers are powerful tools that allow you to automate repetitive workflows during your email development. Generally, these are tasks that you preform multiple times throughout the coding process, the same way each time. You can use as many or as few transformers as you'd like.

You can access the transformers via the Transformers tab located next to the HTML, Text, and AMP tabs, or at the bottom left of the editor.

Transformers modify the code in the Source window but do not affect your code in the main editor. You can easily see how many transformers you have enabled in the bottom left corner of the editor window.

Silent video of the full editor. A sample email is displayed in the editor and preview. At the top of the editor are four tabs, labeled: "HTML", "Text", "AMP", and "Transformers". The user clicks on the Transformers tab, which replaces the code editor with the transformers pane. The Transformers pane has four sections: "CSS Inlining", "Formatting", "URL Parameters", and "CSS Cleanup". The user clicks through each section and reviews the transformers contained within.
Screen recording showing how to access the Transformers

Transformers are tied to each individual email. Making changes to one email's transformers won't affect any of the others.


Transformers were switched from workspace-level configuration to email-level configuration on February 7, 2022.
