Email templates


Integrate responsive, simple email patterns into Parcel.

Email patterns for all

Created by Ted Goas, Cerberus is a repository of ESP-agnostic email components and templates. It's designed with basic HTML and CSS and can be fully customized to any brand's needs. Originally what started as contributions on Github, is now a library of code that can be brought easily into Parcel.


Cerberus offers three free templates designed for a wide range of use cases, offering email creators a great starting point without worrying about email client support.

Designed to optimize the layout of emails for different screen sizes in various email clients, using a combination of max-width, min-width, and media queries, with a focus on ensuring compatibility with Outlook and handling multi-column layouts.

Suitable for creating more complicated, shape-shifting email layouts and has a low learning curve for those already familiar with media queries

Designed for simple transactional emails and single column layouts, using a fluid layout with percentage-based widths to adjust to different screen sizes.

Cerberus Components

If you're familiar with Parcel snippets, Cerberus has a wide range of pre-created code blocks that can be used for a wide range of use cases. Saving you time, and energy.


The most dependable way to create an HTML layout.


Consistent across all email clients.


For easy CSS inlining.

Start with Cerberus

Created with guidelines to make sure emails render properly in email clients and are as accessible as possible, Cerberus is a great place to kickoff the creation of an email design system, or as a starting point for a new email template.